
Economic Collapse News - Jobs Data Feb 2019 Shows Warning Signs For U.S. Economy

Economic Collapse News - Jobs Data Feb 2019 Shows Warning Signs For U.S. Economy Economic collapse news. Feb 2019 jobs data missed the already modest expectations of 80,000 Jobs added. One of the most concering numbers is construction jobs declined by 31,000 in February, Employment also declined in heavy and civil engineering construction -13,000. Construction is a key indicator of the overall health of the economy. This is not surprising considering the recent slowdown in new home construction and store closure at Lowes which typically performs well. Manufacturing employment changed little in February adding 4,000 jobs, one of the most interesting data points is Professional and business services, which added +42,000 jobs, temp-help jobs also rose by 5,888. out of a net 20,000 jobs added.. considering it's tax time the extra additions of accountants and tax professionals is nothing that exciting, in fact it's unerring what the jobs report would say without this added boost. With all the recent retail layoff and closure announcements this is not surprising. What is surprising however is the unemployment rate decreased .2% with barely any new jobs or changes to existing unemployed as well as increases in the jobless. what did change is the number of people removed from the unemployment survey.

economic collapse news,economic collapse,jobs report 2019,economic collapse job losses,economic collapse jobs report,Feb 2019 jobs report,jobs report February,unemployment rate Feb 2019,jobs report misses expectations,economic collapse warning,economic collapse warning signs,jobs data,construction loses 31,000 jobs,construction jobs fall,construction jobs fall 31,000,construction jobs Feb 2019,

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