
France: Are IS fighters' kids 'victims' or must they 'face consequences'? *PARTNER CONTENT*

France: Are IS fighters' kids 'victims' or must they 'face consequences'? *PARTNER CONTENT* A lawyer and the father of a victim of the Bataclan attack both had differing views on the fraught subject of Islamic State fighter's (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS) families, as shown in footage filmed in Paris on Thursday.

Patrick Jardin, whose daughter Nathalie died in the 2015 attack, believes their children do not belong in France.

"The parents have left France voluntarily, no one has kicked them out. They have decided to fight against France," he said. "I hate to say it, but their children have to face the consequences. I believe there is no option for these children to come back to France."

On the other hand, the lawyer fighting for the safe return of IS fighters' children Marie Dose insists no child is responsible for their parents' mistakes.

Dose says there are 84 children who have already been delivered back to France from Syria and they have 'adapted' successfully.

"Are we going to leave them there just because they were born in families who have left [for the war?] Anyway, they [children] have not asked to be born there, they have not asked to be taken there,' she argued.

According to the charity Save the Children, there are about 2,500 IS fighters' children in Syria who live in a number of separate camps across the country.

On March 28, 2019, their families in France filed a complaint to the UN against French authorities for not bringing them back to the country and repatriating them.

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