
💊From Fentanyl to Sobriety: Medication Assisted Treatment vs. 12 Step

💊From Fentanyl to Sobriety: Medication Assisted Treatment vs. 12 Step From Fentanyl To Sobriety: medication assisted treatment vs. 12 step programs

Medication-assisted treatment is very controversial in the recovery world. Basically, it means using a medication to substitute for a drug you are addicted to. Some people feel this isn't real sobriety, and other people feel it is the only thing making recovery possible for thousands of opiate addicts.

In this video, Casey talks about his experience being addicted to Fentanyl (a very powerful opiate). In his recovery journey, he tried Subutex and Suboxone (both opiate replacement drugs). He also tried counseling, intensive outpatient services, living in a recovery residence, community support groups like FAVOR (Faces And Voices Of Recovery) and 12 step programs like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.

Find out what worked and how Casey was able to overcome his opiate addiction to pain medications.

For more information on how to help yourself or a loved one struggling with a drug or alcohol problem visit:

For more information about the best recovery residence program for young men in South Carolina, visit

Medication Assisted Treatment vs. 12 Step Programs,From Fentanyl To Sobriety,Does Medication Assisted Treatment Work,Perscriptions Drug Abuse,Addiction To Pain Pills,How To Stop Using Pain Pills,How To Beat Heroin Addiction,If You Take Suboxone Are You Really Sober,What Is Suboxone,Methadone Treatment Program,Addiction Counseling Services,Hope For Families Recovery Center,Addiction Treatment Services In Greenville,Does 12 Step Really Work,addiction recovery stories,

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