
Knoll With A Very Appropriate Ad

Knoll With A Very Appropriate Ad Ad by Knoll, which if you're not familiar, Knoll is a really high-quality furniture company. They sell really nice furniture, and I typically would suggest putting multiple images into this ad, but I wouldn't in this. Specifically, if you want to see these chairs closer, you've got to click-through and get lost in this plethora of awesome furniture that we have.

Now, I don't know if that was their plan with this, but if it was, very smart. All you're trying to do is get this click-through, because anybody who click-throughs and sees Knoll is probably going to subscribe. Well, anybody probably is a overstatement, but most people might be interested in subscribing because they have such awesome pictures that they put up and such cool furniture. Any brand like this that sells really high-quality product that is going to take a long time for somebody to convert really needs to be heavy on Instagram just like this, and I commend them for advertising, because it's a great place for people to get inspired and establish a relationship with a brand in a different way than Pinterest. It's not as transactional on Instagram. It's much more casual. If I can get people interested in my product with a photo like this, clicking-through and following my account, then I get to get in their feed every day with a post, and then they start to fall in love with my brand.

That's a long way specifically from this one ad, but my point is you can put your logo in an ad if you have a specific strategy to get people to click-through or get people interested in your brand just like this. Fun copy ideas for high-quality furniture might be talking about how they're the most duplicated or replicated type of furniture in the world, find out why, things like that, getting people to click-through. But ultimately, this is a really nice way to introduce the brand to people, so commend you for all of it.

I'm Bobby Dietz. Make sure you like, follow, subscribe, comment, all those different things. We're putting out videos like this along with educational product ownership style videos every week, sometimes daily. I would love for you to join the community, follow along. Again, thanks for watching, and we'll see you in the next video.


knoll,bobby dietz,digital marketing,advertising,ad agency,marketing,sem,ppc,facebook ads,google ads,

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