You know, I just noticed that as I’ve played through the main series, I’ve been progressively spending more and more of my main story free time events with the female characters. In “Trigger Happy Havoc”, about half of my events were with Toko (mostly out of a sense of morbid curiosity) while the rest were mainly distributed between Byakuya and Hifumi; then, in “Goodbye Despair”, I spent most of my free time with Chiaki, Mikan, and Ibuki- with the occasional Gunham and Sonia event- before transitioning to Fuyuhiko after the latter two’s deaths; and then in this game, the only guys I’ve spent free time with were Kokichi and Korekiyo. So as you can probably guess from the title and previous paragraph, this is another episode dedicated to the ladies. First, we get another hidden cutscene in which we see how the reason why Maki isn’t fond of swords is more adorable than you’d think. Then, we manage to wrap up Miu’s free time events with a bit of dialogue that’s reminiscent to that episode of “Family Guy” where Meg became obsessed with Brian and kidnapped him so she could have a bit of “good, old-fashioned, all-American (or in this case Japanese) fun”. And then we wrap things up with a free time event with Himiko that’s exactly what you’d expect.