
Put your spouse/marriage first, before others and self.

Put your spouse/marriage first, before others and self. If you prioritize your relationship with your spouse by putting him/her first above yourself, everything, and everyone else, doing so not only helps your spouse to know their value, importance and your love for him/her but also your children will feel secure and loved and they will learn the Godly order of a family and the balance of Gods love and servitude of JESUS being first, your spouse, your children, others, THEN self which will also be a living example to those outside the home. People are misunderstanding when I say not to put your children first, what I meant by that was that spouses need to work together to balance their relationships and with the children, obviously parents need to care for their children.Care for your spouses and your children.

It is so important to always place your spouse before others, putting a spouse before self and others comes naturally to those who love their spouses but that's not to say that people can't get distracted from doing so if they aren't prayerful and careful, because I myself have been guilty of placing others before my spouse before because I naturally have a heart that wants to help others, so there were times when I took my eyes off of my role as wife so Jesus had to get my attention because I was getting so distracted by wanting to help others who were in need of Gods counsel and love and Jesus used that trial to teach me Godly order and the perfect balance of prioritizing. There is so much going on in the world today that distractions can arise and take your eyes off of the perfect balance of Gods servitude in your family if you aren't prayerful and careful, things such as work, hobbies etc,. Jesus has taught me that many spouses are guilty of becoming so wrapped up in their parenting that they end up pushing their spouse out of the spotlight because they're so busy raising children that they stop making the time/effort to draw close to their spouse, many spouses learn this the hard, painful way when their children grow up and leave home, and they fall into a deep depression because they feel as though their purpose in life has flown the nest and they find themselves living with a "stranger" whom they were married to for many years but didn't take the time to get to really befriend, know and love. It is your duty as husband/wife to make sure that your spouse can rely on YOU to put them first, put their needs before your own and to put them above all else. Jesus has also taught me that many marriages are in turmoil because one spouse will continue to cling to their parents as they put their parents above their husband/wife. Husband and wife are to become ONE, meaning they are to draw near to one another, sharing in each others heart issues, pain, trials, burdens, and to go through life experiencing everything together as a team, being that of one mind, one spirit, one heart, together, helping each other grow close to Jesus, parenting together and living as a sacrifice unto God but if a spouse is clinging to their parents then those parents are helping to separate the husband/wife in spirit, which ends up damaging the marriage.

Matthew 19/6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

The in-laws end up becoming a major stumbling block to the married couple as one spouse invites them into their business and personal affairs, and a wall is built between the husband and wife and it terribly affects their marriage, relationship, intimacy, their decision making, it even affects their parenting duties and all else within their marriage and life unless the spouse will choose to change (repent) and put their husband/wife first, which is part of why Jesus says for the man to leave his mother and father and to cling to wife as stated in the scriptures below...

(Genesis 2/24) 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Are you placing your job above your spouse? What about your hobbies, or yourself, children and/or parents, friends, co-workers, etc,.? If so then you need to repent. Your spouse deserves to BE first, you made a promise/covenant with your spouse till death before God, Jesus will hold you accountable to your marriage vows and for the way you treat your spouse, it is your role to serve/love your spouse with the love of Jesus. Go to Jesus for all marriage counsel, He desires to heal your marriage and to draw you and your spouse unto Himself and to each other in spirit and in truth.

Jesus takes covenant marriage vows extremely seriously, and so should you, till death do you part.(Matthew chapter 14)

marriage,counsel,help,relationships,husband,wife,marital advise,marital counsel,healing counsel,one flesh,love,infatuation,wedding,vows,till death do you part,covenant marriage,Godly marriage,

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