
Reflect | PMV | TW [eating disorder]

Reflect | PMV | TW [eating disorder] original song by Eve!

Hey look it's Ginger hoe from Life Letters. His name is Vonnie Rein and he was a thicc boi when he was a tween. However he grew up hating his body and succumbed to an eating disorder, bulimia. Eventually that lead to anorexia and only after nearly dying does he come to the realization that his body is too weak to function and his hatred of his old self was misplaced. Basically: He was blinded by his hatred of his old self and didn't see the fatal problem effecting his health. So uuh. yeah.

**also a correction on the song, the original is by an artist named Nuyuri! Go check em out but also support Eve!

Nuyuri's original:

Here's a website dedicated to mental health help:

Hey heeey I'm still alive (barely) this took me pretty much exactly 8 days to complete and it's a rushed project but I really wanted to try it! There isn't much animation in this one because I wanted to try kind of a PMV style to see how my work flow would change. And boy is this much faster. But don't worry, I'll still be doing AMV's and the like in the future.

It's 3am I'm going to bed.

Join my Discord~!

Animation,AMV,Eve,Animation Meme,

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