
Safely Tapering off Benzodiazepines: Info and tips

Safely Tapering off Benzodiazepines: Info and tips Watch my tutorial on water titraiton

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Titration Taper Spreadsheet. Copy and Paste link into your browser and download

Ashton Manual:

My Liquid Titration Video:

Pill cutting formula:
figure out your desire cut (based on 5-10%)
figure out how much that cut is based on one pill (you can divide it across multiple doses if you so desire but there is a +/- 0.005 margin of error on the scale - so one is less risk)
for example - if you wanted to take away .25 mg from 2 mg of valium you’d divide new dose (D) by the pill (P)
d/p = n
n = 0.875 (that’s 87.5% of the pill left)
100 - n = x
100-87.5 = 12.5 (this is the percent to subtract)
Now weigh the pill.. every pill in the bottle will be different, so an average won’t work here - the weight = (w)
w-x%= y
so .210 - 12.5% = .18375 (.184)

y = desired weight

The information and opinions presented here are for educational purposes only and are not intended to take the place of medical advice. Do not ever suddenly stop taking a benzodiazepine or Zdrug or abruptly withdraw from such without proper medical supervision. I disclaim any liability or loss in conjunction with the information that is presented on this channel.

Benzodiazepine (Drug),Lorazepam (Drug),Health (Industry),Alprazolam (Drug),Tutorial,Tip,Clonazepam (Drug),Diazepam (Drug),Drug Withdrawal (Disease Or Medical Condition),Pharmaceutical Drug (M,

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