
They will Eventually Change (Addictive/Toxic Relationship Series Video#4)

They will Eventually Change (Addictive/Toxic Relationship Series Video#4) Often when we find ourself in a toxic/addictive relationship, we hold out and stay in the relationship in hopes that the other person will wake up to their "truth" and begin to also realize our value as a human being. We hope they will "wake up" and begin to take responsibility for their own actions, seeing other people's point of view, and will ulitmately awaken to whom they truly are and accept that they need help and are willing to pursue help and live happily ever after.
However, our ego is playing tricks on us, making us believe the other person will come around, believing that all relationships will work, instead more often than not we need to realize that some relationships are not meant to work out. If you're in a relationship right now and you are holding out for the other person to change, you may want to turn the desire for change inward and begin to make plans to get out of the relationship and seek to know who you're truly at your core.
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send me an email and I will respond and get you on the calendar. It's never too late to find yourself, to work on yourself, and to let go of what no longer serves you.

(Some awesome people in our community may have seen this video for a second one day when it was accidentally published out of order and made public. Because it is the 4th video we needed to republish in order! Thank you for previous awesome comments, if you'd like to put them up again, I would be delighted:)

toxic relationships,toxic marriage,relationships,borderline personality disorder,BPD,Cluster B,narcissistic,narcissistic personality disorder,NPD,HPD,Ashley Berges,how to,self-help,self help,life coaching,psychology,

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