
Baha'i Phillip Hinton ''Theatre Artists Can Touch Our Spirit In Some Way''

Baha'i Phillip Hinton ''Theatre Artists Can Touch Our Spirit In Some Way'' In this clip, Phillip talks about some of his favourite works of literature. ''The most interesting thing to an individual is another individual.''
Phillip Hinton is a well-known Australian actor and voice artist.

The New Zealand Baha'i on Air TV series is produced by Emmy award winning motion picture editor and filmmaker Ken Zemke.

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Baha'i,Bahai,New Zealand,Interview,Bahá'í Faith (Religion),Peace,documentary,TV New Zealand,Baha'u'llah,unity,Bahai on air,world religion,religious Television,oneness of God,One God,one humankind,oneness of humankind,oneness of religion,unity in diversity,Unity in diversity,Faith,creativity,music,artist,art,conference,arts and spirituality,rotorua,human mystery,Athol Fugard,

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