
🌹 ৲ (ideal face the grey syrup)

🌹 ৲ (ideal face the grey syrup) nancy's this diamond is going to give you;
♪ complete facial features including:
eyebrows ( point of the arch, eyebrow thickness, eyebrow length, eyebrows placement, end brows, begin brows, eyebrow shape, eyebrow position, eyebrow height )
eyes ( eyes placement, irises, eyelids, eyelashes, eye shape, under an eye, lower eyelids, upper eyelids, palpebral fold )
nose ( nose placement, nose shape, nose size, nostrils, nose bridge, the root of nose, nostril wing, nostril positioning, nostril depth, nostril shape, nostril size, nostril height, nostril width, philtrum, tear trough, supra-alar crease, tip defining points )
mouth ( mouth placement, mouth shape, mouth size )
lips ( lip placement, lip color, lip size, lip width, cupid's bow, vermillion border, oral commissures )

♪ complete facial bone structue including:
frontal bone, nasal bone, parietal bone, supraorbital process, temporal bone, lacriminal bone, zygomatic bone, nasal concha, alveolar process, mandible, mental tuberosity, mental protuberance,
angle of jaw, nasal spine, vomer, maxilla, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone, supraorbital foramen, glabella, forehead bone, coronal suture)

♪ complete facial muscle structure including:
frontalis, temporalis, orbicularis, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus masseter, buccinator, risorius, depressor labii, platysma, depressor anguli, nasalis, corrugator, procerus)

♪ face shape ( jawline, jaw size, jaw shape, prominence, mandible, cheeks, cheekbone, cheekbone height, cheek fullness, chin, chin size, chin shape, chin prominence, forehead, forehead shape, forehead width, face size )

♪ facial beauty, the side face, the front face, face ratio

♪ Your attractive, seductive, alluring, delicate, charming, irresistible facial features including: eyebrows, eye, irises, eyelids, eyelashes, eye shape, nose, lips, lip color, lip size, lip width makes anyone fall in love within seconds / is memorable / whoever looks at wants to look at it again / makes everyone envy of you / makes you one and only / has a sexy vibe.

♪ universe accepts your results/ broke all the know physics rules / have the power to the speed of the plank unit of time/every single guardian angel boosts your results/every single person from this and other alternate realities are aware of you with your results/every single star on this universe helps you with your results/every time you get results and become positive you help another user to get results/only results that will bring you positivity will occur/shape your thoughts, beliefs, and knowledge based on your ideals/every single cell activity going on your body is now boosting your results/connect to the universe/become your own creator/results are loyal to you/know your desires

for the visual subliminal
- make sure that the video quality is over 720p
- don't try to read the affirmations focus on whats going on the video


(check the pinned comment for more detail on my syrups )
the red syrup; basic affirmations with the common technique but improved creative affirmations


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