
Customers don't pay my pay check!!! Nee hee's Indian, Troy, MI rude, unprofessional Manager!

Customers don't pay my pay check!!!  Nee hee's Indian,  Troy, MI  rude, unprofessional Manager! tall older white guy that works there like to start unnecessary sh*t with customers. I was there and ordered two orders of idly and one order of mirchi. After waiting 20 minutes, they handed me my idly order. So I sat and ate the idly at this point already 25 minutes passed, but my other half the order , mirchi wasn't ready. I went up and asked about my mirchi and they said they were still making it and it was going to take longer. I told them that I had already waited long enough and told them that I can wait another 5 minutes or just cancel the mirchi because I don't have all day to wait for 2 peaces of fried mitch and it shouldn't take that long. about 5 minutes later, they said it was ready. I grabbed the food and was about to leave. Then this tall old white guy Rudely tells me that I need to be nice to his worker. I was like , So questioning about your food and why is it taking longer is "not nice"? Then this so called trashy manager had the audacity to tell me to "behave". So if you asked them about your food and call them out on taking forever they will say you are not "behaving". This is very laughable! I dont know who this trash of a man think he is, but he totally was out of line. Then the minute I started recording, he put a fake smile and smirk and "pretending " to be nice. This guy like to escalate things with customers and fight wit customers. Also , He said that customer dont pay his pay check. customers don't literally hand out the pay check to him, but it technically comes from the money that customers spend there. It comes from the revenue that customers bring in. Basic concept! He is too uneducated land stupid to grasp that! He wanted to kept arguing and go back and forth with me. He escalated things instead of diffusing the situation. So customers are considered "not being nice if they ask them why is it taking longer. Also, you are considered "not " behaving " if you question about your food. This is what happens when you put anyone as a manager. He thinks he has the right to tell customers what to do. He is lucky my man wasn't there with me. He literally wanted to kept arguing instead of just apologizing for the wait and move on and take care of other customers.


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