
FlexFire | flexible, light & robust | Fireplace for everyone

FlexFire | flexible, light & robust | Fireplace for everyone flexible in SIZE & FUEL the LIGHT & SAVE fireplace for everyone / Flexibel in GRÖßE & BRENNSTOFF das LEICHTE & SICHERE Feuer für jeden

Family and Friends together, Scouts forever
For more than 25 years I have been active outdoor, in my youth as a scout, now increasingly with my own family or friends. Always with a strong love for nature and the natural force of fire. I love to make a campfire, use it for warming, for cooking or just as a pleasant light source at night. Whether with gas cookers, wood or Esbit, I enjoy using fire and dreaming in the familiar flames.

The fire radiates an unbridled attraction, to young and old. In today's civilization, however, we find fewer and fewer points of contact with fire, it is rather perceived as negatively, but it has so many positive facets, however only if it is handled properly. Focussing on the positive issues of fire and making it usable in a variety of ways is our goal.

How it all started
After many intense experiences with fire and energy sources outside civilization, the idea for a truly flexible and robust product grew. It was supposed to bundle all functions and benefits and that it could easily be used by everyone. It is essential to develop this product in harmony with nature – in order to protect the environment and preserve our unique blue planet.

Together with my two oldest sons (14 and 17 years old), the idea has become a concept and then gradually a model. From this model of old sheet metal parts, until now to the current innovational step, it has been a long and stony way, countless tests of parts from the 3D printer, about test patterns, long burning tests, extreme load tests at over 1,100 ° C, including unfortunately also fails and discarded concepts, (photos and more details of the formation can be found below in our prototype gallery) we have ultimately made it.

Now we can finally introduce it to you, the FlexFire!


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