
Just Llllliiiikkkkeeee4 hoarders 911 pentagon Skeptics can have a similar disease mentally.

Just Llllliiiikkkkeeee4  hoarders 911 pentagon Skeptics can have a similar disease mentally. The aluminum that planes are made of basically is nothing more than tin foil """AT""" some point it acts just the same way especially with weight.?

It's obvious the aluminum turn to liquid. But it's not so obvious why a lot of the circumstances surrounding missing billions of dollars and 9/11 seem to be closely associated??hmmmm,....?

Interesting take on the acid leakage but what if it was a planned acid leakage over a certain amount of time and then the bombs in the fused Zero Point Energy beam could all work with immense simplicity.?

Have you ever been called the Philip Glass of conspiracy theories?. Look up the 1967 CIA memo on the vernacular of the two words conspiracy theorist,. as it relates to the cia's capability to discredit people with that vernacular.

Sometimes I wish you would speak with extremely simplistic English for people that are slow but extremely intelligent and just aren't used to your Diagnostic site on sound social patterns. But what is your real opinion on Building 7 in extremely basic unitarial English? Mmmmmmmmm

But I think you're a good guy and I definitely buy you a Big Mac and fries extra large and you know maybe had you over one of my old ladies to have a nice conversation and you know be a gentleman myself and you know if need be treat you once more at a time and place of your request yes sir.

Somebody told me that many many years ago it was already installed into the beams bombs,....that is rather. They were also somehow linked to a Zero Point Energy beam so that they would all fuse somewhere following properties of a building site would demolish on site Timely and well done.

Oh did I tell you I saw Marwan Al shieldda we riding the bus about three different times Northbound on Decatur in Las Vegas when I live there.?. Because I did I didn't realize it till they showed a blow up picture of the guy on the TV News 2 weeks after 9/11 when some investigations were being cleared up. It was quite interesting I figured out just by the fact that he was on that bus he was probably using the bus to go to the north Las Vegas airport to practice flying. On the other hand the other guys they practiced in Florida. Interesting how the FBI didn't even come talk to me or call me back. I guess they have other things going on in their mind.

Just like hoarders,..... Skeptics can have a similar disease mentally.

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