
MTG Meteosat Third Generation - Better weather forecasts for Europe!

MTG Meteosat Third Generation - Better weather forecasts for Europe! To maintain and improve Europe’s weather forecasting activities, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is currently procuring a new, third generation of Meteosat weather satellites (MTG). The procurement of these spacecraft is managed by the European Space Agency (ESA). In total, six MTG satellites will be launched into space starting in 2021.

Four of these spacecraft are dubbed Imagers, which will provide imagery with a much higher resolution compared to what is available today. The two remaining satellites are the so-called Sounder satellites, which will use complex imaging spectrometers to provide information on the distribution and flow of vapor and temperature in the middle part of the atmosphere.

Once these spacecraft are operational, their novel capabilities will significantly improve the accuracy of weather now- and forecasting. As a result, MTG will enable earlier warning of large-scale thunderstorms and intensive rainfall, it will allow more accurate and economic planning of air travel and rescue operations and it will enable farmers to achieve higher yields. Additionally, basic knowledge about our blue planet will be improved with the aid of this third generation of European weather satellites - and it is not only Europe that will benefit from this.

weather,forecast,earth observation,satellite,ohb,space,ESA,

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