
Release Trauma and Shed Baggage Guided Meditation

Release Trauma and Shed Baggage Guided Meditation I believe that most, if not all, of us have had some sort of traumatic experience happen at some point in our lives. This sort of baggage can cause physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harm. In this meditation we will heal this sort of toxic energy, let go of the baggage, and bring balance to your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

So either sit straight with your back straight and hands on your lap, or lying down with your arms by your sides. As you breathe, imagine the oxygen flowing easily through your body.

Notice the rise and fall of your chest.

Be thankful for being able to breathe and sustain life on this planet.

Become aware of that space in between each breath.

You’re bringing awareness to the flow of life. Your body continues to relax deeper with each exhale.

Let yourself know that it’s okay to relax. It’s okay to spend time meditating. It’s something your future self will thank you for.

Bring to mind a traumatic experience you’ve gone through. Accept any feelings that arise. This will help to heal any baggage.

Imagine this moment being surrounded with a powerful golden light. This light heals any negative emotions that you may have been holding in from this experience.

Accept that this trauma is being healed. The baggage that’s come from it is clearing up and leaving your mind, body, and spirit.

Take a moment to think about what it would feel like for this event to be completely healed and being able to move on.

If you need, imagine any other moments of trauma come up.

Baggage that was created from any other moment is healed with the powerful golden light.

With each experience that’s healed, feel yourself becoming lighter and gaining back more energy.

Begin to finish up as we come near the end of the meditation. In a few moments I will lead you back.

Notice how you feel now after doing this meditation. Being aware of your energy, your mind, body, and spirit.

Breathe deeply as you come back from the meditation. Imagine this oxygen help you to feel more energized. Wiggle your toes and fingers.

Take a deep inhale, and a deep exhale. Open your eyes.

Share this meditation with anyone you feel could benefit from it. Check out more of my meditations at

I am also available for private group and individual sessions for meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Make sure to tune back every Monday for #MeditationMonday brought to you by the #BringMe2LifeChallenge find more about that at

Thank you and have a great day. Namaste.

Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay

Selomon,Spiritual guide,meditation instructor,reiki,guided meditations,release trauma and shed baggage,guided meditation for healing trauma,peace love meditate,selomon,

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