There are two myths being pushed by Fundagelicals today. The myth that they are being targeted for intolerance and attacked for their traditional values. When we refuse to question our beliefs we can end up in places that are hard to break away from. The people who wandered in the wilderness did so until the unyielding generation of people died off. Then it was the young people that went into the promised land. Are we seeing a generation of Christians that are calling others what they really are themselves? Are we seeing a generation of Christians choose the wilderness and their traditions of men over being people who reflect the wonderful character and nature of Jesus?
Jesus,The Bible,Bible Projects,The Rogue Fundagelical,Open Door OC,Revs Reels,RC Wilkinson,Deborah Windham,Pastor,Rev,Progressive,Inclusive Jesus,Friendship With Jesus,Face Time with,Old Testament,New Testament,Bible Stories,Bible People,LGBTQ Christians,hope,faith,love,religious freedom,religious intolerance,traditional values,traditions of men,2 myths,fundagelicals,christian values,tolerance,the bible,jesus christ,