
Iran news in brief, April 30, 2019

Iran news in brief, April 30, 2019 Iran news in brief, April 30, 2019

Two 17-Year-Old Boys Flogged and Secretly Executed in Iran
Amnesty International says Iranian officials have lashed and secretly executed two 17-year-old cousins in southern Iran.
The rights watchdog said Mehdi Sohrabifar and Amin Sedaghat were executed on April 25 at the Adelabad prison in Shiraz, the capital of the southern Fars Province. The two were arrested at age 15 and convicted on multiple rape charges after what international rights groups said was an unfair trial.
Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa director, said: "The Iranian authorities have once again proved that they are sickeningly prepared to put children to death, in flagrant disregard of international law,".

Female Fan Arrested for Entering Football Stadium in Isfahan
A young female fan of football was arrested by the State Security forces in Fuladshahr Stadium in Isfahan.
Fatemeh D., a female fan of Persepolis, wore men’s makeup and outfits, and entered Fuladshahr Stadium in Isfahan posing as a man. Within 40 minutes after the start of the game, however, she was identified by the SSF and arrested.
At the police station, Young female fan of football, Fatemeh D. was interrogated and finally, released after her parents referred to the police station. She was instructed to appear before the court the next morning. At the court, she was informed of her charge of entering a sports stadium while wearing men’s outfit. Then she committed herself in writing that she would never enter any stadium, again.

Pompeo 'Confident' China Trade Talks Will Not Be Hurt Over Iran Oil Sanctions
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday expressed confidence that trade talks between the United States and China will not be affected by the end of Iran oil waivers this week.
Pompeo warned countries and companies that it would be a costly mistake to violate U.S. sanctions by importing Iranian oil after Wednesday, when the waivers for eight importers end.

Pompeo: Iran Is Instructing Yemen's Houthis to Reject Political Process
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday accused Iran Regime of directing Yemen's Houthi rebels to renege on commitments they made in Stockholm last December and continue fighting.
The Houthis "continue to refuse to comply with the agreements that they signed up for in Stockholm, Sweden, they refuse to withdraw from the port of Hodeidah ... this is because Iran has chosen to direct them to do that”, Mr Pompeo said at an event in Washington hosted by The Hill newspaper.

Iran's Rulers Speak of More Cyberspace Restrictions as Conditions Worsen
Controlling social networks at the time of crises is a "must" that should "seriously be considered," says the head of the Iranian Regime's Passive Defense Organization, Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali.
Echoing repeated calls of the Islamic Republic's conservative authorities for more restrictions on using the internet in Iran, Jalali asserted, "During crises, social networks provoke people against the government and pressure the executive administration; therefore, it should be controlled."
As economic conditions worsen in Iran, people in the ruling establishment voice more concern about possible unrest. Experience of the last ten years show that social media can be used effectively to mobilize protesters in Iran.

Iranian Troops Evacuate From Syria's Deir Al-Zor
Iran has begun evacuating its troops in the Syrian eastern town of Deir Al-Zor after “an unidentified aircraft” allegedly flew over the area “for half an hour,”.
“Iranian forces have started evacuating from its headquarters in Syria’s Deir Al-Zor after an unidentified aircraft flew over the area for 30 minutes,” local sources saying.
The sources added that the aircraft was “not Russian, Iranian or Syrian.”

Iran,Maryam Rajavi,MEK,PMOI,human rights,Iran protests,NCRI,fundamentalism,National Council of Resistance of Iran,People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran,Paris,Mujahedin-e-Khalq,People’s Mujahedin of Iran,Iraq,Syria,democracy,extremism,tolerance,Iran news in brief,April 30,2019,

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