
LumiLevel™ Upgrade your bubble.

LumiLevel™ Upgrade your bubble. The spirit level has just received a 21st century upgrade.

When we show the LumiLevel to someone, more often than not, we hear the comment "I can't believe that didn't exist already". And neither could we. That's why we created it!

Sure, the old spirit level works fine. It's been around for almost 500 years after all. But let's face it, the aging population doesn't have the eyesight that it used to and that little bubble is getting harder to see. And honestly, now that you have a choice, which level would you choose? Yeah, we thought so. ;)

The LumiLevel’s 25 lights represent a viewing area that’s 10 times wider than a typical bubble vial. No more closing one eye when looking at this beauty. And better still, there’s no more interpretation required from the user. The lights show you when you’re perfectly level.


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