
Paused Barbell Hip Thrust Banded

Paused Barbell Hip Thrust Banded Roll the bar so it can be directly above your hips and lean back against the bench so that your shoulder blades are near the top.

Drive through your feet extending your hips vertically through the bar (pushing knees outward)

Be sure to keep ribs down and slight posterior tilt of the pelvis will help you prevent a hyperextension of your lumbar (removing the load from being in your low back)

Maintain a forward eye gaze to help with the posterior pelvic tilt. This shifts the tension to your glutes and away from low back. Most hip thrusts are driving the hips above the knee and losing control/tension.

Pause for a 2-3 count at the top of the movement to increase time under tension and dig your arm into the bench as you drive your hips up. This will build good habits as you progress to a heavier thrust and will help to maintain control in the movement.


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