
Raise Your Vibration Protect Your Inheritance Initiate Your Divine State

Raise Your Vibration Protect Your Inheritance Initiate Your Divine State a. Never light your 🕯️ before sunset.
b. Before you light your candle write a message on it i.e. "raise our vibration", "increase my insight", "protect my estate", etc.
c. Invite your ancestors to visit you in your dreams and teach you the secrets of life

d. summon the most noble wise and royal of the ancestors.

e. let there be a sweet aroma awaiting the ancestors i.e. myrr, patchouli, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, geranium, lemon, thyme, sage, lemongrass, clove, and so many more (today I am wearing patchouli)

f. amaze yourself with the various recipes for eating a vegan life that feels like fast food (it's mental) vegan chicken sandwich, vegan nachos, vegan pizza, vegan bacon and eggs, it tastes the same if you put the love into preparing variety. our body will not transmit electric currency if we consume decomposing life into it (graveyard) therefore do not expect your "spells" to conquer that which you WILL
it is not a crime or against the law to eat meat however the science of the muscles organs systems ectoskeleton etc does indeed react to what you feed it.... either negatively or positively. the choice is yours which you will enjoy. if you are fortunate in this lifetime to meet one of the elders living in their 350th year on this Earth, just know they didn't make it past 100 years old eating flesh and blood. Only a Master of Herbs and Spices is of the essence and will power required to eat meat without the consequences.

g. practice writing a letter to someone who says you owe them. require them to send you proof that you"owe" them. do not forget to require that they tell you in what manner if payment do they require?

Saturday Night Studying:
The Lesser Key of Solomon: Goetia: The Secret Seal Of Solomon - Sacred Texts

Zephaniah 3:20  
At that time I will gather you;
    at that time I will bring you home.
I will give you honor and praise
    among all the peoples of the earth
when I restore your fortunes[e]
    before your very eyes,”
says the Lord.


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