
Resolve these misunderstandings!

Resolve these misunderstandings! Resolve these misunderstandings!

Many people have misunderstandings about devoutness. They think that religious people enjoy less than others do. Resolve these misunderstandings!
The majority of our society has this misunderstanding. A believer who is dispirited and disheartened, and his energy and vitality due to his closeness to God can’t be seen in him, increases this misunderstanding.
Others want to show their vitality by dancing and partying. This vitality should be seen in your eyes much more than in others. If it can’t be seen, this misunderstanding will exist. When someone gets close, he should see this in your eyes. He should ask you, “What do you gain from praying that you feel so fortunate?” Believers ruin religion’s reputation by their weak devoutness. How much have you enjoyed the Month of Ramadan? Tell me that!
It is not possible to omit these weak believers. It is not possible to hide them. And, it is not possible to attract others to religion when believers like me exist. You should enjoy worshiping! It is not clear whom you have worshiped that you haven’t enjoyed it. You will ruin religion’s reputation, and you yourself won’t gain anything either.
What kind of God is He that you don’t feel Him? When a person finds a friend from the opposite gender, he blushes. Does this mean that your God is much less effective than being friends with someone from the opposite gender? Put this kind of worshiping aside! It’s useless! You should enjoy worshiping. You should drown in it!
“Sir, but I’m not drowned in it.” “Go ask God for it. I don’t know. My dear, this is your problem. Go to a meeting to resolve this problem. I don’t know.” Imam Reza (‘a) said, “Whoever remembers God and doesn’t yearn to meet Him has made fun of himself.”
Let’s enjoy the Month of Ramadan. If you don’t, you will lose it! If you haven’t enjoyed the Month of Ramadan, you haven’t understood it. Many have misunderstandings about religion. They don’t consider religion to be enjoyable. People should see the sweetness of worshiping in your eyes, and ask, “Excuse me, where are you going?” I swear to God that 99.99% of sinners sin to enjoy, not to dishonour God. They are not enemies with God.
Why does a person sin? To enjoy. So, try to enjoy more and describe it for him. Is he stupid not to come? Why shouldn’t he come? Have you seen when you mourn so passionately during Ashura, a person who drinks alcohol comes too? He says, “He is enjoying so much. There is something going on there. We should go too!”
What is the philosophy of sinning? To enjoy. What is the philosophy of not obeying religion? To enjoy. When a person is in pursuit of enjoying, should America attract him, or should you?
You should enjoy! You should become very lively! You should become very energetic with the Month of Ramadan. Otherwise, you will ruin religion’s reputation. “What should I do to enjoy like this?!” “I don’t know! Go to God and solve your problem.”
Lethargic devoutness has ruined religion’s reputation and brought misunderstandings. Resolve the misunderstandings. Many people have misunderstandings about devoutness. They think that religious people enjoy less than others do. Resolve these misunderstandings! People should see the sweetness of worshiping in your eyes, and ask, “Excuse me, where are you going? Why do you enjoy so much? Can I enjoy this much too?”
[From the series of speeches under the topic of “The ways to reach to a good spiritual frame of mind and vitality in life.”]


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