
World’s Most Advanced Muscle Recovery Tool

World’s Most Advanced Muscle Recovery Tool ⭐Back this project ⭐

World’s Most Advanced Muscle Recovery Tool: SPRYNG
The ultimate wireless, active compression wrap that helps to improve performance, speed up recovery, and feels incredible!
Uncomfortable, aching calf muscles have long been fixtures of a life lived in the fast lane but with SPRYNG™, a pioneering active compression device, we aim to get you back to your best in no time.

What is Active Compression?

When you exercise strenuously, micro-tears can appear in the muscles. Your body not only repairs the damage in these muscles but remodels them into larger, stronger versions of themselves so they are more adept at working out next time. It’s a nifty way your body heals that means you can keep pushing yourself to the next level, but the short-term effects of this can be uncomfortable: unhappy limbs and swollen, inflamed muscles.

Active compression helps to combat this by aiding blood circulation through using external pneumatic compression. This effectively pumps blood towards the heart, reducing the intramuscular space available for swelling and helping to promote the stable alignment of muscle fibers.

In other words, compression stimulates the muscles into replicating their usual action, resulting in less muscle injury, swelling and soreness. Muscle repair time is also reduced, helping to improve athletic performance. Active compression also assists in dispersing the lactic acid accumulated as a byproduct of anaerobic respiration and may also have potential benefits for injury prevention and management. Active compression induced changes in tissue blood flow and perfusion also appear to result in improved oxygenation to muscle tissues.

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