
4 Steps That Will Make You Happy [Pursuit of Happiness] | How To Be Happy

4 Steps That Will Make You Happy [Pursuit of Happiness] | How To Be Happy 4 Steps That Will Make You Happy [Pursuit of Happiness] | How To Be Happy

People find time for everything and everyone else in their life, but they never make time for themselves.
When the last time was someone willing to take time out of their life to spend time with themselves to understand what makes them happy?
It doesn’t happen, even if this is really important for everyone’s life.
If you want happiness, then know yourself, spend time with yourself in silence.

When people say, I walk my dog in the park that's my time with myself. No, it is not. That's you walking the dog. Some others say I go for a jog, that's my alone time. Again, this is your time jogging avoiding traffic watching where you're stepping so you don't trip and fall.
To be with yourself means to just have that conversation, ask yourself in silence what do you really want, what makes you happy? By doing so you learn about yourself and your life of happiness. You become happy, you will be happy, so there will not be a need to pursue happiness.

Pursue a lifestyle that gives happiness and as we have established already, to pursue that lifestyle you need to be clear what you want in life what's your purpose in life and people don't know this because they don't spend any time with themselves.
Spend time with yourself to discover what you like, whom you like and then when you are clear meet the people that you like and do things you enjoy doing. This will make you happy, you will discover real happiness.

If you meditate, this will also lead to happiness for the same reasons we have established above. But the truth is that even for meditation, the quality is more important than quantity. Do not meditate for five minutes and the rest of the day live a chaotic life. We need to concentrate our attention on the things that make us happy during the day. We need to learn how to focus. Then, when the time comes for meditation, knowing how to focus and concentrate, will make the meditation easy.

In conclusion, the four steps that will lead to happiness are 1. Ask yourself what makes you happy. 2. Change your lifestyle by doing what you like with whom you like every day. 3. Be focused on the activities that are important for you. This way you will learn how to concentrate. Being focused will help you with your daily meditation. 4. Meditate and this will lead to discovering more of what makes you happy. Do more of what you enjoy doing every day. The circle is complete and you will be happy without even being in pursuit of happiness.
#Happy #HowToBeHappy #PursuitOfHappiness

Special thanks to London Real for this amazing episode
Speaker: Dandapani
Music by Audiojungle
Footage Source: Storyblock

Happy,How to be happy,Pursuit of happiness,Be happy,Happiness,life of happiness,become happy,pursue happiness,lifestyle,happiness lifestyle,motivation,motivational speech,unhappy,happy people,4 steps to become happy,time with friends,what is happiness,Inspirational speech,Change Your Life,happiness motivation,discover yourself,change yourself,

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