This excellent keeper has put branches of bamboo hanging from bushes around the enclosure to enrich the lives of these capybaras kept in captivity. Capybaras love bamboo. It is vitally important that animals kept in captivity live in an environment that stimulates them mentally and physically. Many animals in zoos suffer extreme stress because they are bored, often living in small, totally unsuitable enclosures. Many capybaras in Japan live in these small enclosures with a concrete floor and a small tub of water barely large enough for them to fit into. Capybaras are semiaquatic, with partially webbed feet, and it is essential that they have a pond or pool large enough to swim around freely and exercise. Please see my blog: 在動物園與圈養環境中飼育水豚時該注意的的飼養條件、展場圍欄的設計與動物福利
You can learn more about capybaras from my blogs at Capybara World on WordPress. Please see my blogs "A Pet Capybara, Should I Have One?" and "Capybara Facts and Information. Everything You Wanted To Know About Capybaras". You can find me on Facebook at Capybara World and at LizDonguri Capaldi Capybara