
Depression symptoms warning signs types and complications

Depression symptoms warning signs types and complications It is a state of mind where you feel sad or unhappy or unable enjoy.Thinking slow or fast, thinking negative, sleeping too much, poor appetite.There are many types of disorders. Some type of disorders are mental disorders. In this depression is same here .Associated with slow thinking or very fast rapid agitated thinking. Along with difficulty in memory and concentration. Recovery depends up on type of depression.
Easiest way to classify depression is major and minor. Some depressions are due to life stresses such as losing somebody losing job. Other depressions are known as endogenous depressions due changes in brain chemicals. Based on severity depressions are divided into major and minor.People who are middle aged or elderly and people who are alone by choice or circumstances are more prone to depression. Socializing will help these people. Listening to music will also help. Hobbies ,walking, yoga will help.
Depression can be treated different ways depending up on type and severity. Mild depression can respond well to psychotherapy simply talking to them. Severe depression needs medication. These medications are very safe without any side effects. They allow you to work normally and more productively.

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