
GothamGo 2019 – "Shattered Mirror: An Introduction to Reflect and Unsafe in Go" by James Bowes

GothamGo 2019 – Shattered Mirror: An Introduction to Reflect and Unsafe in Go by James Bowes

Go gives you compile-time safety through its type system, and flexibility through interfaces. Sometimes, interfaces aren’t flexible enough. Sometimes, you want to write code that isn’t safe at all. This talk will show you how to break the rules with the outlaw packages of Go: reflect and unsafe.

James Bowes, is the Technical Lead at Manifold. Over his 13 year career he has worked for companies like Red Hat and Salesforce as a senior member of the technical staff. James has scaled early stage startups and also managed and sustained large organizations. James is mainly a backend developer, focusing on thorny concurrency issues, but whenever he can, he likes to build infrastructure, try out cool new software, help his peers learn, and make people laugh.


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