
Happy Father’s Day! Tell him love him & forgive. Dads if you mess up ask for forgiveness #love

Happy Father’s Day! Tell him love him & forgive. Dads if you mess up ask for forgiveness #love Happy Father’s Day!

Be nice to your Father, be thankful for him. Love Him, forgive him. He is not perfect. Honor Him, think about him. Find the good in him

My dad taught me to buy a home at 17. When I was 20 I did! It changed my life forever. I can find bad yes but If I look for good I also find it!👨

There is enough dead beat dad talk! I challenge us to look for good in our dad! What did he teach you that has made you who you are today📲📝 Write in the comments below

If you are a Father & you have messed up I encourage you! We have all messed up! There are times I mess up! Yes it’s our lot in life to sacrifice for our family but sometimes our pride creeps in! I am NOT perfect &! I hope it encourages you to know.. There are other dads in your same situation!

To the fathers who have hurt a relationship or have messed up. I challenge you, MAKE IT RIGHT! Go & ask for forgiveness. Our kids don’t need perfect fathers they need humble fathers that will work hard, do their best, & be humble enough to admit when they’re wrong!

If your father comes to you I encourage you to forgive, Let Go! Love covers a multitude of sins. There is always something we can learn!
Bitterness will only hurt you!

Have a Happy Fathers Day!👨

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