
Hundreds of thousands march in Hong Kong to protest China...

Hundreds of thousands march in Hong Kong to protest China... HONG KONG (Reuters) - Several hundred thousand people jammed Hong Kong’s streets on Sunday in the biggest rally for years to thwart a proposed extradition law that would allow suspects to be sent to mainland China to face trial.  Organizers said their initial estimates put the turnout at well over half a million people, saying it outstripped a demonstration in 2003 when 500,000 hit the streets to challenge government plans for tighter national security laws.  Those laws were later shelved and a key government official forced to resign. Sunday’s outpouring was widely expected to raise the pressure on the administration of Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and her official backers in Beijing.  Lam had yet to comment on the rally, which followed weeks of domestic discontent growing official concern from the U.S., European Union and foreign business lobbies that the changes would dent Hong Kong’s vaunted rule of law and freedoms. The former British colony was handed back to Chinese rule in 1997 amid guarantees of autonomy and various freedoms including a separate legal system, which many diplomats and business leaders believe is the city’s strongest remaining asset.  The unusually broad opposition to the rendition bill displayed on Sunday came amid a series of government moves to deepen links between southern mainland China and Hong Kong.  Police had yet to issue their own estimate of the protest size. But as tens of thousands reached the Legislative Council in the Admiralty business district, the starting point in Victoria Park was crowded with thousands more still waiting to join the march.  Streets were packed along the route; Reuters witnesses at various key points estimated the crowd at several hundred thousand strong.  Chants of “no China extradition, no evil law” echoed through the highrise city streets, while other marchers called for Hong Lam and other senior officials to step down.  BROAD-BASED, GOOD-NATURED PROTEST Related CoverageHong Kong protests against extradition law spill into SydneyFactbox: What Hong Kong people are saying about controversial China extradition bill One protester held a sign reading “Carry off Carrie”, while another declared “Extradite yourself, Carrie.” Another sign said “let’s make Hong Kong great again”, with a photo depicting U.S. President Donald Trump firing Lam.  The genial crowd included young families pushing babies in prams as well as the elderly braving 32 degree C (90°F) heat, some spraying each other with water misters.  Debates will start in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council on Wednesday on the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. The bill could be passed into law by the end of June.  Lam has tweaked the amendments but refused to pull the bill, saying it is vital to plug a long-standing “loophole”.  She has also said speedy action is needed to ensure a Hong Kong man suspected of murdering his girlfriend can be sent to Taiwan for trial.  Opposition to the bill has united a broad range

US,HONGKONG,EXTRADITION,MARCH,Hong Kong,Lawmaking,Western Europe,Judicial Process / Court Cases / Court Decisions,Diplomacy / Foreign Policy,China (PRC),Crime,Government / Politics,European Union,Fundamental Rights / Civil Liberties,Asia / Pacific,Major News,Human Rights / Civil Rights,Europe,United Kingdom,

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