Frequently asked Questions to Sensible Malayalam and their Answers
1. How can I start investing? (00:42) provide link
2. Mutual Funds - How can I start SIP? (2:36)
3. Mutual Funds - What is the minimum amount to start SIP? (5:16)
4. Mutual Funds - Direct vs Regular (5:25) provide link
5. Mutual Funds - Which fund to invest for a 3/5/10+ years (5:42)
6. Mutual Funds - How to switch from regular to Direct (11:26)
7. Mutual Funds - Which to choose - Lumpsum or SIP? (12:52)
8. Mutual Funds - Can I invest different amount each month in Mutual Fund? (14:50)
9. Investment - How to make 65 lakhs in 5 years? (16:00)
10.Can I get your phone/WhatsApp number?(16:40)
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