
Most Beautiful Flowers That Are Commonly Available In Kerala Flower Market😍🤩

Most Beautiful Flowers That Are Commonly Available In Kerala Flower  Market😍🤩 provides Kerala holiday packages, Kerala tour packages and Kerala honeymoon packages at affordable price.Click now to get exclusive deals on Kerala holiday.

Kerala with good rains and tropical climate is ideal for flowering plants to grow and profusely bloom. Orchids, Anthurium and Roses stand in front of the flowering plant category and some less prominent ones but more enchanting plants those are grown all over Kerala.

Aambal or Water-lily

Scientific Name : Nymphaea nouchali
Common Name : Aambal or Water-lily
Family                : Nymphaeaceae
The plant  is known by many names like water lily, star-lotus, Nymphaea stellataetc. It is an aquatic plant with stem submerged in the ground and long petiole holding flat round leaves above water level. Water-lily flowers are brightly colored from red to blue; many petalled and float over water surface. Hindu myths have a prominent place for lotus flower and Lord Vishnu is supposed to be physically associated to lotus flower and all temples use lotus for rituals.  

Arali, Nerium plant, Dog-bane, South-sea rose, Adalpha 
Scientific Name : Nerium indicum
Common Name  : Arali, Nerium plant, Dog-bane, South-sea rose, Adalpha  
Family                 : Apocyanaceae
The plant is a popular shrub of Kerala garden grown for their extremely beautiful flowers. They grow as herbs, shrubs, trees and even as climbers. Their leaves are simple and alternate and flowers in beautiful inflorescence. Production of profuse sap is a specialty of the members of this family. This sap though poisonous (causes nausea and brain-damage if injested) is of much medicinal value (used for the treatment of scabies).
Arumasam, Krishna kireedam or Pagoda plant
Scientific Name : Clerodentron paniculatum
Common Name  : Arumasam, Krishna kireedam or Pagoda plant
Family                 : Verbenaceae
  The plant is a shrub that grows mostly in the wild but capable of excelling any garden-grown plant for its beautiful terminal inflorescence that lasts about six months. Orange-red- bell shaped flowers open row by row in the terminal cluster. Leaves are simple and dark green. The name attributed to it; ‘Krishna kireedam means the crown of lord Krishna; as the inflorescence is so shaped; it is a pity that this plant is not given the adequate importance it deserves.

Ashokam, Galasoka, Anganapriya or Ashoka tree
Scientific Name : Saraca ashoca
Common Name  : Ashokam, Galasoka, Anganapriya or Ashoka tree      
Family                 : Caesalpiniacea
The plant is a holy tree for Indians; leaves flowers etc are extensively used in the preparations of Ayurvedic medicins. Ashoka plant bears beautiful scarlet colored flowers on all seasons and is widely grown in front of Indian houses. Ashoka gives dark shades in hot seasons for rest and recoup of the members of the family and hence called ‘Angana-priya’ (darling of the front-yard).

Chempakam or Joy-perfume tree
Scientific Name : Michelia chempaca 
Common Name  : Chempakam or Joy-perfume tree       
Family                 : Magnoliaceae
    The flowers are cup shaped and fleshy; as a primitive feature petals and sepals undistinguished (these parts are called tepals); flowers highly fragrant hence used as room fresheners; perfumes are extracted from its flowers. Indian ladies prefer to wear these flowers in hair and gents carry one in their pocket for the enchanting and long lasting perfume of this special flower.

Chemparuthi or Rose-mallow or sorrel
Scientific Name : Hibiscus rosasinensis
Common Name  : Chemparuthi or Rose-mallow or sorrel 
Family : Malvaceae 
  The plant is a widely cultivated garden plant that bears long stalked single auxiliary (that arises from the axis of the leaves) flowers. A hibiscus flower is a typical one with sepals, calyx and petals and a long stalk formed of the fusion of male stamen bearing stalks that protects the long tube from the female part. Leaves are simple alternate dark green with toothed ridges. Plants are either herbs or shrubs and even as trees. At present in this group has gained much popularity due to a variety of colors and shapes being produced by way of biotechnology.

Kashithetti, Savam-nari or Madagascar periwinkle
Scientific Name : Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosea)
Common Name  : Kashithetti, Savam-nari or Madagascar periwinkle
Family                 : Apocynaceae 
   It is an herb that bears white or pink flowers on all seasons. Leaves are small, simple and green; fruits paired follicles (2 to 4 cm long). Periwinkle contains alkaloids of medicinal values and cultivated in large scale.

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