
Change is coming...

Change is coming... Change is coming in your future.

The worst is now over, but don’t expect changes to happen overnight. It will take some time before you can recover, and find strength once again. This means you will be able to regain stability in terms of property, health, relationships, business, or finances. Slow recovery from illness can be indicated but you will be able to find a treatment that can lead to recovery.
You allow your emotions to control your life a lot more than you should. You might be overly jealous, emotional or moody. In fact, this could get up to the point of actual incapacity to take action, which is most definitely to be avoided. A situation which could be considered appealing at first can quickly turn out to be something very different. With such high expectations, everyone will walk away quite disappointed.
You are feeling unhappy that a certain situation hasn’t really turned out the way you have hoped it would. Instead of moving towards a more positive perspective, this card seems to say that you are dwelling in the past, inducing feelings of self-pity and regret. The water which is actually spilled from the cups shows that you might have missed an opportunity. It also shows that the problem is mostly emotional and not material or financial.

- Silent Readings for Everyone -

Change is comming,change,future,tarot,arthurian tarot,improvement,silent reading,everyone,stone five,emotion,divination,guidance,morningstar,sad,

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