
CLIMATE CHANGE - Sir David Attenborough to MPs: 'We cannot be radical enough' (full hearing)

CLIMATE CHANGE - Sir David Attenborough to MPs: 'We cannot be radical enough' (full hearing) Sir David Attenborough has been in UK parliament talking about climate change. He said the most vivid example he has seen of the changing climate was revisiting the Great Barrier Reef and seeing how it had bleached because of rising temperatures.

He told Parliament’s Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee that when visiting the Australian landmark in the 1950s he had “the extraordinary experience of diving on the reef and suddenly seeing this multitude of fantastic beautiful forms of life.”

But of returning 10 years ago, he said: “Instead of multitudes of wonderful forms of life I was struck by how it was bleached white because of the rising temperatures and increasing acidity of the seas”.

When he started out in natural history, Sir David did not talk about climate change, because “we didn’t know, I didn’t believe we could change the climate, or worse the changes we were going to inflict were irreversible, which they are if we go on as we are.”

And he said: “I’m not by nature a propagandist”, but added “if you become aware of what is happening you don’t have any alternative”.

Sir David Attenborough told that "we cannot be radical enough" in dealing with climate change.

"The question is what is practically possible," he added.



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