
HAZ-CHEM Training - Rapid Review Video [Hazardous Chemical Substances Trainer Visuals] © INTRA SAFE

HAZ-CHEM Training - Rapid Review Video [Hazardous Chemical Substances Trainer Visuals] © INTRA SAFE Do your own Hazardous Chemical Substances Training with this customiseable INTRA Training Kit from

The Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations 1995 the form part of the Occupational Health and Safety Act [Act 85 of 1993] required that all employees working with HCS are informed, instructed and trained in the relevant Dangers, Hazards and Risks.

The Download the Hazardous Chemical Substances course content on

INTRA-SAFE publish ready to use occupational health and safety training kits that your trainer can customise to train your staff or clients.

Topics include:
★ Compensation of Injuries & Diseases Act Claim Management Training Material / Kit [CLAIMTRAC]
Unit Standard No: 259610 “Demonstrate basic understanding of procedure for submission of compensation claims”.

★ Construction Regulations 2014 Training Material / Kit [CONREGS]

★ Electricity Level 1 Training Material / Kit. [ELECTRAC]

★ Fire Prevention & Protection Level 1 Training Material / Kit [FIRETRAC]

★ First Aid Level 1 Training Material / Kit [FIRSTRAC]
Unit Standard No: 119567 "Perform basic life support and First Aid procedures"
* Requires DoL Approval and SETA Accreditation

★ Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Training Material / Kit [HIRA]
Unit Standard No: 244287 “Conduct a baseline risk assessment and take appropriate action”

★ Health & Safety Awareness Instructor’s Kit + DVD [INDUCTOR]
Unit Standard No: 259639 “Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to basic health & safety principles at work”

★ Health & Safety Representatives Training Material / Kit. [HASREP / SHEREP]
Unit Standard No: 259622 “Describe the functions of the workplace health and safety representative”

★ Incident & Accident Investigation Training Material / Kit [INVESTRAC]
Unit Standard No 120335 “Conduct an investigation into workplace incidents”

★ Management / Supervisor Skills Training Material / Kit [SUPERTRAC]

★ Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Training Material / Kit. [NOISETRAC]
Unit Standard No: 259602 “Describe sources of and control measures for noise in a work place”

★ Occupational Health & Safety Act Training Material / Kit [ACTRAC]

★ Working @ Heights & Fall Protection
★ Fall Arrest Technician Training Material / Kit [FALLTRAC 2 Part]
Unit Standard No: 229998 “Explain & perform fall arrest techniques when Working @ Height”
* Requires SETA Accreditation

Visit to discover how you can present your own Occupational Health & Safety training with our fully customisable Trainer's Kits as a Certified Affiliate Licensee.


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