
Historical Mysteries That Remain UNSOLVED!

Historical Mysteries That Remain UNSOLVED! Check out these Historical Mysteries That Remain UNSOLVED! From mysterious cases that haven't been solved to this day to other bizarre mysteries science can't explained, this top 10 list of unexplained mysteries throughout history will amaze you!

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9. The Princes in the Tower
In 1483, the English king Edward IV died unexpectedly, leaving his 12-year-old son, Edward, next in line to the throne. The boy and his younger brother were promptly escorted to London by his Uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and taken to the Tower of London which was, at the time, a luxurious royal residence where monarchs would traditionally spend the night before their coronation.

8. The Ark of the Covenant
According to the Hebrew Bible, when the Ark of the Covenant was first built, it held the tablets that were engraved with the 10 commandments, and was kept at the temple of Solomon. According to legend, an army led by the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar II, conquered Jerusalem in the sixth century BC and destroyed the temple. Since then, the true whereabouts of the Ark remains unknown.

7. The Sibiu Manuscript
Discovered in 1961, the 450 page Sibiu Manuscript dates from between 1550 and 1570 and contains a series of drawings and technical information that was well ahead of its time. It’s thought to have been written by Conrad Haas, a military engineer who worked for the Kingdom of Hungary, and describes in detail his plans for three-stage rockets, manned rocket flights, liquid fuel, and various ideas for ballistics and artillery.

6. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Said to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar II, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. It was a structure made up of tiered gardens containing plants from across the Babylonian empire and was possibly built for the king's wife to remind her of the lush countryside when they were in the city.

5. The San Bernardo Mummies
When you think of mummies, your first thoughts probably go to the ones that are found in the tombs of ancient Egypt, but the mummification process happens around the world, sometimes without any human involvement at all. One of the greatest mummy mysteries comes from Colombia, in the town of San Bernardo.

4. The Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin, which is on display at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, is said to be the cloth in which Jesus was buried, but there’s a great deal of mystery around the artefact, and debate as to its true origins. It's about 15 feet long and 4 feet wide and bears the imprint of what looks like the body of a crucified man. The problem is that tests have been carried out that date the cloth to around the 13th or 14th centuries.

3. The Copper Scroll Treasure
The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of writings that were found in caves at Qumran, and while they are all mysterious in their own ways, there's one that stands out- the copper scroll. The others were all found by Bedouins and written on parchment, but this was the final scroll to be discovered and was unearthed by an archaeologist and written on metal.

2. The Helix Staircase of Loretto Chapel
In 1873, the bishop of the Santa Fe archdiocese commissioned a chapel called Our Lady of Light, which would be maintained by a religious order called the Sisters of Loretto. The chapel was designed by the famed French architect, Antoine Mouly, but he died before its completion.

1. Kenneth Arnold’s Flying Saucers
When you hear about a UFO sighting, you might think of a flying saucer… but this term was only coined by the press in 1947 after a sighting by pilot Kenneth Arnold as he flew over Mount Rainier, Washington. He described seeing 9 glittering craft, each of which was pie plated, tailless, with a triangular rear section, and travelling at more than 1,200 miles per hour.

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