
My Mom Stole Big Money From My Dad

My Mom Stole Big Money From My Dad 🍀 If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address -

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Helen is 19 years old now. Her story began 11 years ago, when her parents got divorced. All those years, she’s been wondering: what exactly went wrong between them? But she’s finally close to the truth. Apparently her Mom did everything in her power to get the divorce.

Actually happened 15 years ago, when Helen was just a baby, her father started a business. Mom and Dad worked alone in a small office to sell car alarm systems. Eventually, the business grew and they hired more workers. And Mom got pregnant with another child. After Helen’s sister was born, Mom started behaving weirdly. She came to work late and left early. Naturally, Dad believed she was just too busy. Then, Dad noticed some cash occasionally went missing from a safe in his home office. He fired Helen’s babysitter. Much later, he found out he was right: the babysitter had been stealing money upon Mom’s orders and she got a cut for herself. They had stolen about 17 thousand dollars in total. 6 months later, Mom bought a car for her goddaughter. Just how rich does one have to be to give gifts like this? Arguments, investigations, litigation, and finally divorce followed. The court gave Mom custody of both children, as well as half a million dollars and 3 apartments: the one they lived in, one for Helen, and one for her sister. Helen didn’t know that. According to Mom, Dad betrayed them and left them with nothing.

Fast forward several years. As Helen was growing up, Mom told her all kinds of nasty things about Dad: he’s awful, he’s with mistresses all the time, and so on. Meanwhile, Dad started a new family. He was doing fine if not for one thing: his own daughters didn’t want to visit him for weekends. He did everything for their attention: he took them to trips abroad, he bought them clothes and phones, he gave them money. But Helen thought nothing of it as Mom kept saying: “He’s your father. That’s just his responsibility!”

Helen’s life was pretty okay. They were a loving family. Mom tried to be gentle and kind with Helen. She was almost 18 now and the USE was at hand. It serves as a unified entrance exam for most colleges and universities. Helen worked her butt off studying and preparing. Her teachers were optimistic about her chances even though Helen was a C student. She never liked school and they often lowered her marks just for her attitude.

Finally, day X had come and… she failed her favorite subject. This was a disaster but Helen tried to keep her head above the water. She got on her knees and begged Mom to stop yelling. She could retake the exam next year, after all. Mom wasn’t listening. She’d wanted Helen to enter a good university in a bigger city, and the girl didn’t even do well enough for college… Helen felt scared of her own mom. And she took a chance. She ran off to live with her boyfriend. He knew she’d failed but he supported her.

The school year rolled around. Helen went to a college that only required a middle school certificate. She didn’t like it there but that was her only option. A month later, she came to Dad’s office and told him everything. Dad said: “Why on Earth would you even study somewhere you don’t like?” Helen never expected Dad to support and comfort her when Mom just acted all angry and disappointed. She was shaken to the core. She mustered up the courage to ask Dad the actual reason for their divorce. A bucket of ice-cold truth washed over her and she burst our crying. Dad hugged her. He understood how hurt and ashamed and sorry she was feeling after avoiding him for 11 years. Dad asked if Helen wanted to work for him. Well, duh! She left that college the very next day.

Actually happened Helen was still living at her boyfriend’s place. When she got settled into her new office job, she asked Dad for a car. He refused but immediately offered to get her an apartment. Helen thought he was kidding but he wasn’t. Dad reminded her that Mom had an apartment meant for her. When they came to Mom’s place to discuss this, she kicked them out and took away Helen’s keys. But they did win back her own apartment in the end!

So how did Mom truly treat Helen? Just as she treated her father. She wanted Helen to earn money for her and only keep some pocket change for herself. Eventually, Helen was supposed to marry a rich man. She treated Helen like a living wallet. Helen always thought Dad was the bad guy and Mom was the good girl. Oh how the tables have turned.

Thanks to Dad and his patience, Helen has a job and a place to live. She couldn’t care less about studying right now. She’d rather go to school a bit later to learn something actually useful and exciting! Also, she recently got a tattoo and she’s really happy about it.

If you have any suspicions, Helen says dig for the truth right away. It will only get harder down the road.

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