S.A ITainment 소속 연습생 “Wishgirls”와
CO-Producer로써 함께 협력 해주고 있으신 인도네시아의 유명한 배우 커플인
“Glenn Alinskie”♥”Chelsea Olivia” 부부,
그리고 사랑스런 그들의 자녀인 “Nastusha Olivia Alinskie”가 함께한
“Can You Feel The Love Tonight”입니다!
“Wishgirls”와 “Alinskie Family”가 “Can you feel the love tonight”을 부르며
즐거워 하던 녹음실에서의 모습을 멋진 노래 커버와 함께 담은 영상 입니다.
“Can you feel the love tonight" cover by S.A ITainment’s trainee "Wishgirls",
the most famous actor couple in Indonesia "Glenn Alinskie"♥"Chelsea Olivia“
Work together as a co-producer for almost a year and their beloved child, "Nastusha Olivia Alinskie"!
This is a video of "Wishgirls" and "Alinskie Family" enjoying the recording studio
singing "Can you feel the love tonight" with a nice song cover.
We hope you Keep to support us! & Enjoy the video!
좋아요👍 구독📝 부탁드립니다!😃
#Can_You_Feel_The_Love_Tonight #Wishgirls #Alinskie_Family
#WooAh #Hana #Karin #Hyejin #Swan #ChaeY
#GlennAlinskie #ChelseaOlivia #NastushaOliviaAlinskie
[오디션 지원 e-mail] saitainment@show-access.com