
165: Fri-Date | Are You Stepping Out of Your Bubble?

165: Fri-Date | Are You Stepping Out of Your Bubble? Today’s Topic: Montenegro

Kim and I are currently in Montenegro. If you don’t know where Montenegro is, it was part of the former Yugoslavia and is south of Croatia, Russia and Bosnia. I was nervous about coming to Montenegro and at first it was a total shock to the system. First I got into a little trouble at the border for Instagramming photos of the police. Then we drove around without any phone signal trying to find our Airbnb only to discover it was at the top of a very steep hill. 155 steps, one broken flip-flop and many misadventures with luggage later, I got up to the Airbnb to realize it came with a cat. I’m so allergic to cats I get hives on the palm of my hands. Then there were the bugs, the flies and the mosquitoes.

I woke up the next morning with my eyes swollen shut from the cat allergy and suffering the shits because of the dinner we’d had the night before.

At this point I was pretty annoyed. Then Kim revealed that when she’d said we were staying for “like, 14 days”, she really meant 18.

You know what, though? I went to do my morning routine and came back a lot happier. Kim booked us this Airbnb because she knew we needed time away from everything to rest and reset. So we’re looking out at the mountains, our Airbnb has a rooftop yoga studio, we got some medication for my allergies and I’ve been hanging out with the cat.

Kim and I have been using this time to focus and work on our goals. Instead of sitting in a coffee shop somewhere or sitting home and executing a to do list, I'm dreaming and visualizing because my state of mind is completely different here.

My takeaways from this experience are:

The brain learns from mistakes and surprises. We become inspired by putting ourselves in environments that cause us to grow. I have a tendency to go, go, go and to achieve, achieve, achieve. And sometimes in doing that, you don't take the time to be thoughtful about your life, to be thoughtful about the why behind what you're doing. And you certainly don't take the time to execute on those ideas that you're trying to create.


Mastermind: Connect with us on Instagram: @kimmurgatroyd | @robmurgatroyd


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