
As a leader, how can you continually develop your leadership skills?

As a leader, how can you continually develop your leadership skills? There's a few ways of doing it.

Actually, there’s more than a few ways of doing it.

If you are in a professional environment… like an accountant, lawyer, doctor, vet etc... you have to keep up with things, and it’s easy to do this through required CDP hours.

But in non-profesisonal areas… like sales, business and leadership… there’s no set program, not hard and fast rules.

As a leader, you can opt to seek out formal mentorship, training and development through your company. You can also informal feedback from your personal network, drawing on someone with valuable experience in your feild.

Leaders often practice what they preach a lot of the time, but going to sense check what you’re teaching your team is important. Whether it be formally or informally.

Regardless of how you seek to develop, good leaders are the ones who aren’t afraid to ask for that help.

(Even though this can be difficult because you don’t always know what you don’t know!)

That’s why the ability to go and find that out from other people, whether that’s an old colleague or a mentor, is crucial to advancing your leadership skills.

Leadership | Leadership Skills | Leader | Development | Training | Mentor | Mentorship | Feedback | Constructive Feedback

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