code thatdenverguyYT
thatdenverguy's Zone Wars Riverside V2: 9266-0750-5965
Bugha gets DESTROYED by stream snipers on his first stream after winning World Cup! Season X (10) shows us new skins and the new map we MIGHT see but could be a false leak. Ninja has a HUGE announcement and Tfue makes the best play possibly of his career. Check out the new Fortnite update today and Season X tomorrow! Thanks for watching!
Tfue RAGES at World Cup:
Sceptic and Clix Feud:
Season 10 Start and Inside Event Leaker:
Youtuber Called out by Epic for Faking Content:
Pros Switching to Controller!:
The Best Duo in the World:
Epic Employee Sabotages Pro:
Ninja, Tfue, Lazarbeam Trolling Pro-AM!:
Cheater Wins $50,000:
Tfue vs. Mongraal: Who is Better?:
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ABOUT ME ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Twitter: thatdenverguyYT
Instagram: thatdenverguy
Thank you guys watching, be sure to subscribe for all new Fortnite updates and pro news and drama!