
Cardone Capital & Single Family Homes

Cardone Capital & Single Family Homes For non-accredited investors, this is a solicitation of an indication of interest. No solicitation or acceptance of money or other consideration, nor of any commitment, binding or otherwise, from any person is permitted until qualification of the offering statement.

The number one mistake for millennials is NOT buying a home???? Wrong. You don't need a home, you need cash flow. Never ever buy a house. It's not a dream, it's a death trap. It doesn't multiply your money!

David Bach recently came out with advice for all millennials:

1) Do a 15 year mortage
2) Buy small
3) Brown Bag your lunch every day

This advice is terrible if you want to get super wealthy. Instead, get into multi-family real estate investing. You need more than one door. Homes only go up in value with the neighborhood around it, and most homes don't give you a good exit plan. If you want a more sure investment, you want many doors and cash flow!

Watch the full show to get ALL the reasons why a home is not a good deal.

Come to one of my events and 10X your business and finances.

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