The friendships that remain after the rest have fallen away are always the one's that God ordains. There is so much power in friendships that shape our entire lives. We learn so much about ourselves in the bad one's and that is why God allows it. As well as to learn to "love our enemies, and pray for those that hate us. There can be no other way than to have failed friendships. The greatest friendship is in Jesus, from whom all blessings flow into the friendships that make Him the very center of them, and which bear His seal upon them. These friendships will enter into eternity to continue on "world without end."
* "Joanie Stahl's Field Notes" is strictly run off of your God inspired financial gifts which helps me tremendously to continue working full time in this ministry I love so dearly. It also allows me to cheerfully give to others in need and in helping to further the Kingdom of God. Another way you can give is through prayer. As the Lord Jesus Christ moves you to pray for me I so hugely appreciate it, as I fully know and understand the powerful value of prayer.
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