
ETC KID • Why the Coolness • Improvised on 2019-04-04 (#2)

ETC KID • Why the Coolness • Improvised on 2019-04-04 (#2) Music improvised from scratch. Performed live on Twitch using requests from viewers. Details below...

Watch live M,W,F 8-11pm ET / 5-8pm PT (


Date: 2019-04-04
Virtual Tour: Slow Motion Swans (named by HaveHearts)
Virtual Venue: In the Crystal Empire (named by DevilsNestKimblee)
Song Title: Why the Coolness (named by Ldcoolgirl)
ETC KID: Keyboards, Melodica, and Trumpet


Full show (with talking):
Song in context of full show:
Playlist of songs from show:


Note: The following requests served as a starting point for the improvisation. Kid will often change keys and modes and occasionally the bpm as the song evolves. Sometimes Kid forgets one of the requests and sometimes the onscreen credits are not accurate.

(requester in parentheses)

BPM: 79.99 (allegra029)

Key: E- (brooms17)

Mode: Dorian (w_a_t_c_h_)

Drum loops: (davidmcglothlin), (StooshBatis)

Melody: (Lady_RedBerry)

Drumkit: Portland Kit [JSB] (CaityKaB00m)

Sounds: Dan's Jam Slam Groove [HYI] (Danjio), Octave Synth Brass [GU] (Blackout883Tv), Quietly It Glows [QIG] (Teknogroovin), Calming Bells [HL] (littlefluffycloud), Cavernous Dreams [XGE] (shelikeswords), Wubs Of The Universe [YOF] (noodle_town)

Drum fills: (JohnnyDoggo), (DrZimanowitsz), (QbitTheMain), (dugDbug), 'KpgBX11gbhx67em' (explodedsoda), (MrRobertTables), (Domdude64), (megdynamic), (DuelElite1), 'Backup_Everything_Then_Apply' (ElectricBlue7331)

Light show(s) incorporated visuals and effects from the following sources/creators:

ETC KID, beeple, Switzon S. Wigfall, III, VideoBlocks, Mantissa, Cycling '74 (Rhythmized by ETC), and Volumetricks

ETC KID,The Etcetera Kid,Music,Live Music,Improv,Live Improvisation,Improvisation,Ableton,Ableton Live,Max,Max for Live,Logic Pro,Keyboard,Keys,Synthesizers,Synth,Electronic Music,Twitch,Twitch music,

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