
Optimizing Kubernetes Clusters on Spot Instances for Cost and Performance - AWS Online Tech Talks

Optimizing Kubernetes Clusters on Spot Instances for Cost and Performance - AWS Online Tech Talks Unlock deep cost savings by running Spot Instances as worker nodes in Kubernetes clusters. Spot Instances are spare EC2 capacity available at up to 90% off the On-Demand price and can be reclaimed by EC2 with a two minute warning. In this tech talk, we'll cover the best practices needed to achieve production grade for your Kubernetes clusters when using Spot Instances as worker nodes. These will include using a diversified set of EC2 Instance Types using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, handling Spot interruptions to drain worker nodes, and auto scaling your Kubernetes deployments.

Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to add Spot Instances as worker nodes in Kuberentes clusters
- Learn how to handle Spot interruptions to avoid performance and availability impact
- See how you can auto-scale Spot worker nodes

Kubernetes,EKS,Spot,EC2,Auto Scaling groups,AWS,Webinar,Cloud Computing,Amazon Web Services,

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