
Sterling Inc. Animated Singing Snowman + Other Animated Christmas Toys I Came Across.

Sterling Inc. Animated Singing Snowman + Other Animated Christmas Toys I Came Across. Before I get into the actual Snowman, I wanna talk about where I got him and the pictures at the beginning. So, a few months back another collector posted a video of this guy and a few other animated items that this small chain of Christmas specialty stores had. This caught my attention since it's decently close to me (like 2hrs away) and I usually make a trip up there anyway each summer so I put this place on the list of places I needed to go. Fast forward to little over 2 weeks ago and I make my way up there that morning. I was blown away from the start, the outdoor display they had was terrific and it got even better inside. They had so many cool displays and things to look at that I was overwhelmed. They had dancing lifesizes, talking door greeters, and of course, a bunch of animated items I've never seen before. If you couldn't tell though, it's all what I consider "chinafake" items. I'm not a expert at what defines a chinafake or not but, I know several items there had the "HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS" soundclip to them and just the things you'd expect from chinafakes. It really doesn't matter to me at all though, I could've gone crazy in there and I'm sure a few of you out there would do the same. Unfortunately however, this was one of the first places I went and didn't want to throw all my eggs in one basket, meaning I had more stores I wanted to go to and needed to be conservative. I spent alot that day but, I can't say I didn't regret not getting more from here. On the bright side they were pretty well stocked with everything, so I'm sure next time I'm up there they'll still be there, plus there's actually two of these stores so that broadens my chances. I didn't mention this earlier but there's one in Kodak and Pigeon Forge, TN. These pictures are from the Kodak location which is alot bigger, I went to the Pigeon Forge one aswell but they had the same things there so I didn't bother taking any pictures. I don't wanna say the specific name for the sake of this not showing up in the search results for the place (you never know) but I imagine if you look up the location it wouldn't be too hard to find out what it's called, not like it's a secret or anything. But yeah guys, just a amazing place that I'm itching to go back to.

This is a video requested by Tails Productions, however I was planning on uploading this for the weekend anyway so it all worked out I guess. I got this guy (obviously) at a Christmas Specialty store I went to a little over two weeks ago. I got him along with a Christmas Macarena Gorilla for about $11 total. They had so many of these guys scattered everywhere, both NIB and loose. They also had a couple other variants aswell similar to this (seen in the first picture) that I wanna say are identical to this one but I had no idea since none of them had batteries. This one is the one that lured me in most though. He's a nice quality item although there was one flaw that I noticed with alot of these. The fabric under their chin was popping out on some of them leaving some stuffing exposed. I believe there's nothing holding the fabric in place to begin with and it could easily be tucked back in but either way I made sure mine didn't have that problem. Other than that though a very solid item overall, Enjoy!
P.S. Sorry that these aren't the greatest pictures, I was a little spaced out to focus on taking decent pictures plus I was talking to a lady so I hated taking out my phone mid-conversation. I hope this gives you a bit of a idea of what they have, even though honestly these pictures alone don't do the place justice.


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