
Ted Ings - The OEM Choice for Real World Training

Ted Ings - The OEM Choice for Real World Training

Do you want the best training in the industry? I have successfully implemented processes at thousands of dealerships in North America and around the world, and in dozens of major OEM initiatives.

I’m Ted Ings and I’ve been in the retail car business since 1981. I’m a 4-time NADA Convention speaker and one of their highest-rated presenters.

Effective training is the cornerstone of any successful business. If your staff is not properly trained, they will never reach their full potential, and neither will your business.

When you hire the Center for Performance Improvement, you get both the benefit of this vision and this experience.

So, whether it’s to train-the-trainer, develop telephone skills, overcoming objections or teach your service advisors how to use those tablets for an effective walk-around with your customer – we have the tools to take your organization to the next level.

Our core principle is simple: to make YOU the best.

And that’s the Tip of the Day.

Ready to get started? Call me today at (212) 763-0016 to discover how CPI can help. Thanks for watching.

Ted Ings,Tip of the Day,Sales Tips,OEM,Automotive Dealership Training,Service Advisor Training,Service Writer Training,

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