
TWIN FLAME TRUTH TV: Why It's Necessary to Align With Your Soul

TWIN FLAME TRUTH TV: Why It's Necessary to Align With Your Soul Aligning your soul is necessary in order to advance along your twin flame journey. What I mean by aligning with your soul, Is an energetic shift. Our souls are boundless extremely powerful vibrations of energy. This energy is full of love, peace, contentment, bliss and abundance. That’s who we are at our core. The ultimate purpose of the twin flame journey is to learn how to unconditionally love yourself. To aligning with your soul, you do that by transmuting that fear-based energy, while you are here in physical form, into soul love-based energy. While we are not talking about shifting into totally alignment with our soul, because that would be Ascension. We are just starting to shift into our soul through this twin flame journey. Which is why, this is the first step of Ascension.

There are only a few spots left, hurry and snag your spot in my Magnetize Your Twin Flame Coaching Program here:

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