
Viability of Production and Implementation of Retrospective Photogrammetry in Archaeology

Viability of Production and Implementation of Retrospective Photogrammetry in Archaeology Retrospective photogrammetry is a novel approach to producing fully functional three-dimensional models using archival photographs, plans and drawings augmented with contemporary photogrammetry and surveying. This paper addresses the advantages as well as the difficulties in using retrospective photogrammetry and examines how the results can be put to use for further research, preservation, restoration, monitoring rates of deterioration and presentation to the public. We examine the approach to retrospective photogrammetry from the view points of both the photogrammetrist and the end user (ie. researcher, scholar or authority responsible for using or disseminating the resulting data). From the perspective of the photogrammetrist it is the nature and quality of the archival data that is of concern. Does the archival material meet the needs of 3D modelling and will the resulting models meet the needs of the end user? The end user is concerned with being able to store, access and utilize the results constructively. An impressive 3D model without detail or metrics is of little use apart from public presentation. We explain why the end user’s goals must be addressed clearly prior to commencing the project. We will look at examples from the Athenian Agora and Ancient Corinth to illustrate the methods required, limitations experienced and opportunities made possible with the resulting products.

(Colin Allan Bruce Wallace, Dorina Moullou)


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