
Who Did 9|11? - Part 3

Who Did 9|11? - Part 3 The real perpetrators of 9/11 have never been brought to justice. There is no evidence that 19 Muslims hijacked 4 Passenger airlines and crashed them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001 as fraudently claimed by the U.S government and media. So the questions is Who Did 9/11? Well the answer is provided in this 5 part 6 hour 30 minute presentation which I have recently created (August 2019) that will uncover the real culprits of 9/11. Every September 11th we come to the anniversary of 9/11 and the controlled mainstream media churns out the usual lying documentaries about 9/11. Here you will get the real truth about 9/11, the truth that the mainstream media will never tell you.

Who Did 9/11?: Part 3 0f 5

1. Video:A&E For 9/11 Truth - WTC7
2. Video: BBC announces Collapse of WTC7 20 minutes before it collapsed
3. Video:The BBC 9/11 Lies
4. Twin Towers Turn to Dust
5. What do Professors say about the Twin Towers Collapse
6. Video:Christopher Bollyn interview about Nano-Thermite in the Twin Towers
7. Who Owned the Twin Towers
8. Video: Larry Silverstein and the Twin Towers
9. Who ran the Security in the Twin Towers
10 Twin Towers Insurers Die?
11. Twin Tower Debris Removed to China and India

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