
Be careful using headphones ,harmful effect and solution must watch

Be careful using headphones ,harmful effect and solution must watch The government through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has long known that noise pollution is one of the most common causes of hearing impairment in adults.During the past decade, the damaging effects of excessive noise pollution from portable stereo earphones have gained attention.
1. Loss of hearing- Almost all the headphones expose your ears to high-decibel sound waves which can cause some serious damage your ears. If you listen to music on a high volume which is equivalent or higher than 90 decibels, then it may cause some serious damage to your ears as well as permanent hearing loss. Thus make sure to take breaks while listening to music on earphones. Also, maintain the level of volume on a moderate level
2. Congested air passage- Nowadays most of the high-quality headphones requires you to place them in the ear canal, which is very close to the eardrum. These earphones may give you an amazing music experience, but at what cost? Using these earphones for extended hours means you are restricting the flow of air in the air canal making it more susceptible to ear infections
3. Ear infections- Another thing that you abide by while using your headphones/earphones is that you should never ever share them with anyone. Sharing earphones may cause unwanted infections. Even when you decide to share your earphones make sure to sanitize them before using.
4. Ear numbness- Listening on to music for extended hours on your earphone may also lead to ear numbness. Along with ear numbness, you may also lose your hearing abilities temporarily. But if you ignore these signs and continue with the same habits then it may also result in a permanent hearing loss.
5. Ear-ache– Prolonged use of earphones or listening to music on a very high volume may lead to aching ears. You may experience severe pain not just in your ear but also the adjoining parts
6. Adverse effect on the brain- You brain too doesn’t stay untouched from the ill effects of extended and prolonged use of headphones. Your headphones generate electromagnetic waves which can cause severe harm to the brain in the long run. Since the inner part of the ear is connected to the brain, any damage caused to this part causes serious damage to the brain as well.
7. External threats- Overusing using of earphones may also cause serious threats to your life. Getting too carried while listening to music, disconnects you from the rest of the world and you may have to face severe consequences. The consequences may vary from small losses to really big ones. In fact, in the recent times, the number of accidents caused due to listening to music while being ignorant about the outer environment has increased drastically. Thus when you are in an alien surrounding especially outside, walking on the road, etc. avoid the use of headphones as much as possible.
Do you have your personal earphones or do you share them with your family and friends? It is very common to share your earphones with others, but is this practice really safe? No, sharing earphones with others is definitely not safe as the bacteria from other’s ears travel to your ears and cause infections.
If you can hear the sound being delivered into a person's ear via headphones or earphones, it indicates the sound is too loud and over an extended period can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Side effects of use headphones
Harmful Effects Of Listening To Music Over Headphones
Your earphones could make you sick
#headphones #hands_free #side_effects_of_headphones

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